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Life Extension, Tri Sugar Shield, 60 растительных капсул

Артикул: LEX-18036 (02126406117)
ID: 415662433
2 079,6 руб.
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UPC Код: 737870180364


  • Non GMO LE Certified
  • Triple Action Shield From Simple Carbohydrates
  • Dietary Supplement
There are several facets of blood sugar health. One is gluconeogenesis, or how the liver produces glucose from various sugar precursors. Another is the conversion of starch (such as ingested grain) into glucose. Tri Sugar Shield® has three plant extracts that work together to promote healthy glucose metabolism.

The ingredients in Tri Sugar Shield® all help maintain already-healthy blood sugar levels, but do it in different ways.

Tri Sugar Shield® benefits

  • Supports balanced sugar production in the liver
  • Encourages healthy insulin sensitivity 
  • Helps inhibit sugar-digesting enzymes 
  • Promotes healthy glucose elimination
What does sorghum bran extract do?

 Compounds in sorghum bran extract help balance the rate of sugar production in the liver and support healthy insulin sensitivity.

Why add phloridzin apple polyphenol?

Phloridzin is a polyphenol compound extracted from apple root bark that may inhibit glucose absorption into the bloodstream.

The Benefits of Mulberry

Mulberry leaf extract targets the alpha-glucosidase enzyme, which turns ingested starch into glucose. It also supports transporter compound GLUT4, which moves glucose out of the bloodstream and into muscle and liver cells. Mulberry promotes insulin sensitivity, as well.

There are several facets of blood sugar health: one is gluconeogenesis or how the liver produces glucose from various sugar precursors. Another is the conversion of starch (such as ingested grain) into glucose. Tri Sugar Shield® is made with three plant extracts that work together to promote healthy glucose metabolism: sorghum bran, white mulberry leaf and phloridzin from apples.

This trifecta works to support balanced sugar production in the liver, encourage healthy insulin sensitivity, inhibit sugar-digesting enzymes and promote healthy glucose elimination.

Sorghum bran extract 

Compounds in sorghum bran extract help balance the rate of sugar production in the liver, as well as support healthy insulin sensitivity. Sorghum extract also helps modulate PPAR-gamma, a gene receptor that promotes healthy glucose metabolism. Lastly, sorghum helps inhibit the enzyme alpha-amylase, which releases sugars from starch during digestion.

Mulberry leaf extract 

Mulberry leaf extract targets the alpha-glucosidase enzyme, which turns ingested starch into glucose. It also supports transporter compound GLUT4, which moves glucose out of the bloodstream and into muscle and liver cells.10 Mulberry promotes insulin sensitivity as well.

Phloridzin apple polyphenol

Phloridzin is a polyphenol compound extracted from apple root bark. Preclinical studies suggest it may help maintain already-healthy blood sugar levels by targeting carrier proteins SGLT1 and SGLT2. This can both inhibit glucose absorption into the bloodstream and encourage healthy glucose elimination.13

Take before you eat

To get the maximum health benefit, take Tri Sugar Shield® right before eating carbohydrate- or sugar-heavy foods. Do your part to maintain your already-healthy blood sugar. Add Tri Sugar Shield® to your healthy nutritional regimen today.

Рекомендации по применению

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Принимать по одной (1) капсуле два раза в день сразу перед самым тяжелым углеводом или сахаром, содержащих в пище/напитках, или согласно предписанию врача.


Растительная целлюлоза (капсула), микрокристаллическая целлюлоза, мальтодекстрин, диоксид кремния, стеариновая кислота.


Предупреждение. Перед началом применения данной добавки проконсультируйтесь со своим врачом, если вы принимаете препараты, понижающие уровень глюкозы в крови.

  • Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.
  • Не следует превышать рекомендуемую дозировку.
  • Не следует приобретать продукт, если наружная защитная пленка повреждена.
  • Проконсультируйтесь с врачом перед применением пищевых добавок, если вы проходите курс лечения от какого-либо заболевания, а также в период беременности и лактации.

Хранить в плотно закрытой упаковке в сухом и прохладном месте.

Чтобы сообщить о серьезном побочном эффекте или получить информацию о продукте, звоните 1-866-280-2852.

Пищевая ценность
Размер порции: 1 вегетарианская капсула
Количество в 1 порции % от суточной нормы
Экстракт отрубей из сорго (sorghum bicolor)
[обеспечивающий 270 мг
300 мг **
Экстракт листьев белой шелковицы
[обеспечивающий 7,5 мг 1-деоксиноиримицина]
150 мг **
Флоризин [из экстракта яблока (кора корня)] 50 мг **
** Суточная норма не определена.
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