Закупки Пристрой Отзывы

Life Extension, Оптимизированный карнитин, 60 вегетарианских капсул

Артикул: LEX-20186 (0735221388)
ID: 415666736
1 733 руб.
UPC Код: 737870201861


  • Promotes Cellular Energy Product
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Non-GMO
Optimized Carnitine provides three advanced forms of carnitine to optimize cellular energy production. All three of these powerful forms of carnitine work together to help the body recover quicker from exercise and support heart, brain and nervous system health, all at the same time.

Carnitine is an amino derivative found in the body that transports fatty acids to the mitochondria to be used as fuel.

Optimized Carnitine Benefits 
  • Optimizes cellular energy production & availability 
  • Promotes brain & heart health 
  • Supports youthful exercise recovery
Carnitine is an amino derivative found in nearly every cell of the body that transports fatty acids to the mitochondria to be used as fuel for energy production. Optimized Carnitine provides three advanced forms of carnitine that work synergistically to get your mitochondria to produce cellular energy fast and efficiently. This boost in cellular function helps to combat the age-related decrease in cellular energy, and is essential for your brain and heart and for exercise recovery.


This is the form of carnitine that is chiefly involved in moving fat molecules across the mitochondrial membrane. It crosses into the brain from the bloodstream and provides additional energy directly to brain cells.

Brain Function: Most studies of neurodegeneration use the acetyl-carnitine form. Research has demonstrated improvements in memory and learning as well as mental status and cognitive function.

Mood Support: Preclinical studies have shown that acetyl-L-carnitine enhances the release of dopamine (the feel good neurotransmitter) from neurons and helps it bind to dopamine receptors.Various studies have exhibited its ability to stabilize and improve mood.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate

Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate (ACA) is molecularly bonded to the amino acid arginine. ACA was shown in preclinical settings to induce the outgrowth of the tiny but essential nerve cell protrusions called neurites that underpin memory formation and learning.


Research has shown that Propionyl-L-Carnitine (PLC) plays an important role in protecting the function and health of endothelial cells. It has shown to help correct an imbalance between the production and utilization of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency used throughout the body. This suggests that PLC may optimize cardiac performance by enhancing energy metabolism and increasing ATP levels.

In addition to protecting vascular cells from damage, PLC optimizes endothelial function by increasing the production of vasodilating nitric oxide.

As a result of its mechanisms of action, PLC can help improve physical performance, male sexual function and general fatigue.

Рекомендации по применению

Ознакомьтесь со всей информацией на этикетке и строго следуйте рекомендациям перед приемом.

Принимать по две (2) капсулы один или два раза в день. или согласно рекомендациям врача. Этот продукт можно принимать на голодный желудок, запивая водой или соком, утром, поделив на дозы или за один прием.


Растительная целлюлоза (капсула), растительный стеарат, диоксид кремния.


  • Хранить в месте, недоступном для детей.
  • Не превышать рекомендуемую дозировку.
  • Не покупайте в случае повреждения или отсутствия защитной упаковки.
  • При применении пищевой добавки необходимо обязательно проконсультироваться с врачом, если вы лечитесь от заболевания, беременны или кормите грудью.

Хранить в сухом прохладном месте в плотно закрытом виде.

Дополнительные факты
Размер порции: 2 вегетарианские капсулы
Сервировки в контейнер: 30
Количество на порцию %Дневная стоимость
Ацетил L-карнитин HCI 800 мг **
Ацетил L-карнитин аргинат ди-HCI 300 мг **
Глицин Пропионил L-карнитин HCI 300 мг **
**Суточная доза не определена.
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